Walt Stanchfield

PDF format
01 - Abstracting the Essence
02 - Acting (drawing) is Art
03 - Action Analysis
04 - Anatomy vs Gesture
05 - Angles and Tension
06 - Action and Essences
07 - Animation and Sketching
08 - A Good Impression
09 - A Simple Approach
10 - Body Language
11 - Those who can't begin don't finish
12 - Cartoon Construction
13 - Learn to Cheat
14 - Copy the Model...Who me?
15 - Creative Energy
16 - Dimensional Drawing
17 - Doodling
18 - Double Vision
19 - A Simple Approach to Drapery
20 - Drawing and Caricature
21 - Drawing Calories
22 - Drawing Principles
23 - A Drawing Style for Animation
24 - Drawing Verbs not Nouns
25 - Enthusiasm
26 - The Pose is an Extreme
27 - Feel as well as see, the Gesture
28 - Action Analysis: Hands & Feet
29 - The Seriousness of Head Sketching
30 - Inbetweening
31 - It Ain't Easy
32 - Lazy Lines
33 - Lines, Lines, Lines
34 - From the Living Model to the Living Gesture
35 - Mental and Physical Preperation
36 - More on "Essence" Drawing
37 - More Meanderings
38 - A Little More on Heads
39 - Review and New Approach
40 - The Opposing Force
41 - Osmosis
42 - Great Performance - Or just a drawing?
43 - Using the rules of perspective
44 - Some principles of Drawing
45 - Problems of Drawing In Line
46 - Purpose in Drawing
47 - Savvy Sayin's
48 - Simplicity for the sake of Clarity
49 - Sketcher
50 - Note Taking and Sketching
51 - Sometimes I wonder why I spend the Lonely Hours
52 - Stick to the Theme
53 - A Sense of Story
54 - The Inner Force
55 - Talk to you Audience - Through Drawing
56 - A Thinking Persons Art
57 - Getting At The Root Of The Problem
58 - Go For The Truth
59 - Common vs Uncommon Gestures
60 - Using Cylinders
61 - The Value of Action/ Gesture Analysis Study
62 - Vocalizing
63 - Some Simple Rules
64 - The Wonders of the Right & Left Hemispheres
65 - One Picture Worth a Thousand Words?
66 - A First Impression - Your Intended Goal
67 - A Good Sketch is Like a Good Joke
68 - A New Slant On Drawing
69 - A Sense of Acting
70 - Affirmations